Double your return in 5 years

Successful investing is relatively easy but many people and some professionals over-complicate it. I have discovered that most people do not understand or fully appreciate two very important, yet simple principles. Firstly, there are typically two steps to a retirement strategy – most people think there’s only one and this is where they become misguided …

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Come on financial planners. Pick up your game!

There has been an increased amount of press on financial planners recently – particularly ones that work for CBA and Macquarie (click here for an example of the articles). The main criticism relates to the quality of advice (the blame on poor quality is the sales culture of large organisations and lack of training/qualifications). I …

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Fund private school education with ease…

If you start planning now There are many reasons that compel people to begin investing including funding their children’s private education. Private school fees can cost in the range of $10,000 to $30,000 per year (at the moment anyway – they increase each year). There are other costs in addition to fees including computers, uniforms, …

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List it or love it?

If we buy well, our home can often be one of the best investments we make in our lifetime. Any capital growth is tax-free and there are not many things in life that are tax-free. Also, if we experience some good growth in our home’s value, we can borrow against that equity to buy other …

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Retirement Roadmap # 1:

Quality assets and cash flow… Richard and Andrea (first names have been changed for privacy) have been clients of our firm since 2010 when they approached us for finance to purchase a second investment property. Richard (38) and Andrea (41) have two children aged 6 and 8. Richard is an IT contractor that earns over …

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Investing in property – no mistakes!

The below half-hour presentation was recorded by director of ProSolution Private Clients, Stuart Wemyss and provides you with an easy-to-understand overview of how to invest in property, maximise the money you make and avoid mistakes. It is perfect for first time investors and experienced investors. Please contact us if you have any questions.   Are …

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Property investors' common tax mistakes

Watch the 30-minute presentation below prepared by Stuart Wemyss and Rick Henderson which looks at some common tax planning mistakes that we have seen clients make. The presentation discusses topics such as ownership structures, when to use trusts, land tax, not putting interest deductions at risk, changing the use of property and much more.