Rules of the Lending Game
How to master the game of lending to invest in property
Most property investment strategies rely heavily on an investor’s ability to access borrowings. The more you can (safely) borrow, the more property you can buy, and therefore the more wealth you can build. However, being locked out of the lending market will put the brakes on your investment plans.
Therefore, it is critical that all investors learn the rules of the lending game. The banks set the rules, and they can no longer be bent or broken. Those that learn the rules and how to use them to their advantage, will win the property investment game.
Stuart’s latest book comprehensively covers all the rules of the lending game including how to:
– safely maximise your borrowing capacity,
– position yourself as a low risk broker to the banks,
– correctly structure investment loans,
– use mortgages to reduce your taxes,
– maximise bank valuations of your properties,
– strategies for first-time buyers,
– build a financing strategy to achieve your goals,
– a detailed checklist of all the key points from each chapter and much more.
Buy physical copy: Click here
Buy electronic copy: Apple (iBooks), ePUB, Amazon.

Let’s be honest, winning the game of Monopoly requires a little bit of luck – for example, landing on unowned property and avoiding properties already owned by your opponent.
But, in truth, the key to winning this game is making the most of your luck by applying certain rules – such as buying as much property as possible, not spending all your cash (having some savings) and negotiating to get a full set as soon as you can.
Building wealth is no different. You can win at the game of building personal wealth by applying a set of proven rules.
The 8 Golden Rules
The golden rules, created by the author Stuart Wemyss, explained in Investopoly have been formulated and refined over two decades of practice, observation and experience. They are not just theory. They are tested, are rooted in simple math, logic, supported by historic evidence and have been proven to work. What’s more, they are easy to understand – all written in plain English. Here are the rules of the investment game:
Golden Rule # 1 – Always think long term
Golden Rule # 2 – Set two important goals: how much income you need and by when
Golden Rule # 3 – Spend less than you earn and invest the difference regularly
Golden Rule # 4 – Grow your asset base first and then concentrate on income second
Golden Rule # 5 – Strategically set your asset allocation to reduce risk and maximise returns
Golden Rule # 6 – Invest in the share market using a low-cost, passive investment method
Golden Rule # 7 – Only invest in property that is deemed ‘investment-grade’
Golden Rule # 8 – Protect your investment strategy from expected and unexpected risks
Once you understand these rules, it will be very simple to map out a financial plan for yourself and your family and work out what to do next. To find out more visit To buy your copy today, follow the links below.
Published in April 2018.
Buy physical copy: Click here
Buy electronic copy: Kindle, Apple (iBooks).